









〇新産業文化創出研究所 所長 廣常啓一

〇笹原 英司氏 特定非営利活動法人ヘルスケアクラウド研究会理事


〇アイルランド大使館 歓迎のあいさつ

〇デレク・フィッツジェラルド氏  アイルランド政府産業開発庁日本代表
「アイルランドの R&D環境の紹介」

〇ブライアン・コ―フィールド 教授/データアナリティックス・インサイトセンター所長/コネクテッド・ヘルス応用研究主任研究員

〇ロッド・ボンド氏  ネットウェル・センター所長/グレート・ノーザン・ヘイヴン・スマートホームリビング研究所

〇イタ・リチャードソン博士/LERO- アイルランド・ソフトウェア研究所およびコネクテッド・ヘルス応用研究主任研究員



懇親会  会場  ナレッジキャピタル Room C07 大阪市北区大深町3-1


Professor Brian Caulfield
Professor Brian Caulfield leads University College Dublin’s Connected Health Programme. He is the Lead Investigator in Ireland’s industry led Connected Health Technology Centre, ARCH (www.arch.ie) and is a Director of Ireland’s largest research centre, the INSIGHT centre for Data Analytics (www.insight-centre.org), where he leads the Connected Health research programme. A physiotherapist by training, Brian is also Dean of Physiotherapy at UCD. Brian is a champion for a Connected Health ecosystem in Ireland and has forged strong relationships with key clinicians, industry leaders, policy makers and research groups to drive advances in the field. Previously, he was a PI in the CLARITY Centre for Sensor Web Technologies (www.clarity-centre.org) and Director of the TRIL Centre (www.trilcentre.org), a research centre focused on technologies for independent living, which was funded by GE and Intel. As well as these companies, he has worked with a range of multinational and start-up companies such as BioMedical Research Ltd, Fujitsu Laboratories, and Shimmer to deliver innovative technology enabled solutions for areas such as rehabilitation medicine, COPD, and gerontology. His research has led to significant commercial opportunities in terms of exploitation of intellectual property by industry partners and spin out activity.

Dr Ita Richardson
Dr Ita Richardson is Principal Investigator within Lero – the Irish Software Research Centre, where she has responsibility research projects worth over €2million, and in ARCH, where she is the Principal Investigator on Work Package 2.1: Inform Standards of Care. In addition, she is Principal Investigator on a number of major projects where the focus of her research is on software process and assessment and the quality of use of software in a variety of domains, including hospitals and clinics, medical device and financial services. When she graduated with a B.Sc. in 1983, Dr Richardson joined Wang Laboratories, where she developed and maintained Information Systems. She returned to University to complete a M.Sc. in 1992, and graduated with a PhD from the University of Limerick in 1999. Dr Richardson has graduated 14 PhD students and 1 Habilitation student to completion, is currently supervising 4 PhD students, some of whom are part-time and industry-based and has supervised Senior Research Fellows and Research Fellows for the past 15 years. Dr. Richardson has over 150 publications in refereed journals and conferences, has published 11 book chapters and edited published books. Dr Richardson’s industry-based research has been with many indigenous Irish companies such as HomeSafe Care, Ocuco, and S3 and multi-national organisations (for example, IBM Dublin, Robert Bosch GmbH and Siemens Corporate Research. Her current collaborations include Vitalograph, Intel Shannon, and the Health Service Executive, specifically within Limerick Public Hospitals, where her team have developed H-QAP – a Hospital Quality Assurance Program.

Professor Tahar Kechadi
Professor M-Tahar Kechadi was awarded PhD and Master’s degree – in Computer Science from University of Lille 1, France. He was appointed as lecturer at the Computer Science Department of Lille University. Subsequently he worked as a post-doctoral researcher under TMR program at UCD. He joined UCD in 1999 as a permanent staff member of the School of Computer Science & Informatics (CSI). He is currently Professor of Computer Science at CSI, UCD. His research interests span the areas of Data Mining, distributed data mining healthcare Data Analytics, Grid and Cloud Computing, and digital forensics and cyber-crime investigations. Prof Kechadi has published over 265 research articles in refereed journals and conferences. He serves on the scientific committees for a number of international conferences and he organised and hosted some leading conferences in his area. He is Editor in Chief of Journal of Computer Science of Science Publications. He is also an associate editor of the Journal of Future Generation of Computer Systems and of IST Transactions of Applied Mathematics-Modelling and Simulation. He is regularly invited as a keynote speaker in international conferences or to give a seminar series in some Universities worldwide.
Prof M-Tahar Kechadi has been involved in international collaborations, in particular with researchers at the Universities of Tennessee, Purdue, Liverpool, Lille and Artois (France) and CERN. He is currently full member at CERN. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Artois – Bethune since 2002. Recently he has a strong collaboration with the most important Chinese Universities, such as Fudan University and Fuzhou University. Since joining UCD, Prof Kechadi has built up a research laboratory and currently he supervises 10 PhD students and 4 pot-doctoral fellows. He has supervised to completion 24 MSc by research and 16 PhD students.

Dr Dermot Power
Dr Dermot Power qualified as a doctor in 1991 and subsequently trained in Geriatric medicine both in Dublin and Oxford. He then returned to Dublin with an appointment to the Mater Misericordiae and St. Mary’s Hospitals. He then set about establishing a number of novel services for the elderly in North Dublin including the award winning Rapid Access Clinic, Clements and Synge Post-Acute Step-down Units. In addition in 2010, together with Dr. Austin O’Carroll (a north inner city general practitioner), he was instrumental in establishing a mobile clinic (based out of a specifically converted bus) for Dublin’s homeless. More recently he has developed a novel commercial electronic home monitoring service for older persons which has lately been contracted by the HSE to assist in early discharge of patients admitted to the acute hospital service. From an academic perspective, he established the UCD Intern Training programme in 2010. Over the last 3 years this new UCD-delivered training programme has been the most popular of the country’s 6 Intern training programmes and has consistently attracted the best and brightest medical graduates from Ireland and across Europe.

Dr Ronan McDonnell
Dr Ronan McDonnell is a Post-Doctoral Researcher (ICT) in the HRB Centre for Primary Care Research, based in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. He designs and develops the ICT aspects of ongoing clinical research projects for the Centre, such as Clinical Decision Support Systems and electronic Clinical Prediction Rules as applied to Primary Care. He is also the Director of Operations for the Irish Primary Care Research Network (IPCRN), a national network of GP practices whose purpose is to participate in clinical research for the benefit of their patients and to enhance the discipline of general practice through research training and activity. To date, over 300 practices in Ireland have used the IPCRN’s software to audit and manage their patient care and as part of research projects focusing on areas such as Medicines Reconciliation, Diabetes Care and Mental Health.
He completed a PhD in Health Informatics from Trinity College Dublin in 2011 and has worked both in and with academia and industry with companies such as Intel and Socrates Healthcare.

Mr Rodd Bond
Rodd Bond is an architect with a unique blend of experience in the development and application of technology applied to environments and processes that support people’s health and wellness. Rodd graduated with distinction from the school of architecture at Brookes College, Oxford in 1982, where his major study, focused on evaluation frameworks applied to the design of primary care facilities in the UK.
Recently, Rodd has pursued an action research agenda that has culminated in the formation of the Netwell Centre in DkIT, which he now directs. Based in the School of Health and Science the Netwell Centre hosts the Nestling Project – a collaborative initiative between the local authority, the HSE and DkIT. The Nestling Project is a demonstration project examining the fusion of social networks, environments and technologies that support ageing-in-place. Rodd has managed Dundalk’s participation in the WHO Age-Friendly Cities Project and is now managing Louth’s Age-Friendly County initiative.










〇新産業文化創出研究所 所長 廣常啓一

〇笹原 英司氏 特定非営利活動法人ヘルスケアクラウド研究会理事


〇アイルランド大使館 歓迎のあいさつ

〇デレク・フィッツジェラルド氏  アイルランド政府産業開発庁日本代表
「アイルランドの R&D環境の紹介」

〇ブライアン・コ―フィールド 教授/データアナリティックス・インサイトセンター所長/コネクテッド・ヘルス応用研究主任研究員

〇ロッド・ボンド氏  ネットウェル・センター所長/グレート・ノーザン・ヘイヴン・スマートホームリビング研究所

〇イタ・リチャードソン博士/LERO- アイルランド・ソフトウェア研究所およびコネクテッド・ヘルス応用研究主任研究員



懇親会  会場  ナレッジキャピタル Room C07 大阪市北区大深町3-1


Professor Brian Caulfield
Professor Brian Caulfield leads University College Dublin’s Connected Health Programme. He is the Lead Investigator in Ireland’s industry led Connected Health Technology Centre, ARCH (www.arch.ie) and is a Director of Ireland’s largest research centre, the INSIGHT centre for Data Analytics (www.insight-centre.org), where he leads the Connected Health research programme. A physiotherapist by training, Brian is also Dean of Physiotherapy at UCD. Brian is a champion for a Connected Health ecosystem in Ireland and has forged strong relationships with key clinicians, industry leaders, policy makers and research groups to drive advances in the field. Previously, he was a PI in the CLARITY Centre for Sensor Web Technologies (www.clarity-centre.org) and Director of the TRIL Centre (www.trilcentre.org), a research centre focused on technologies for independent living, which was funded by GE and Intel. As well as these companies, he has worked with a range of multinational and start-up companies such as BioMedical Research Ltd, Fujitsu Laboratories, and Shimmer to deliver innovative technology enabled solutions for areas such as rehabilitation medicine, COPD, and gerontology. His research has led to significant commercial opportunities in terms of exploitation of intellectual property by industry partners and spin out activity.

Dr Ita Richardson
Dr Ita Richardson is Principal Investigator within Lero – the Irish Software Research Centre, where she has responsibility research projects worth over €2million, and in ARCH, where she is the Principal Investigator on Work Package 2.1: Inform Standards of Care. In addition, she is Principal Investigator on a number of major projects where the focus of her research is on software process and assessment and the quality of use of software in a variety of domains, including hospitals and clinics, medical device and financial services. When she graduated with a B.Sc. in 1983, Dr Richardson joined Wang Laboratories, where she developed and maintained Information Systems. She returned to University to complete a M.Sc. in 1992, and graduated with a PhD from the University of Limerick in 1999. Dr Richardson has graduated 14 PhD students and 1 Habilitation student to completion, is currently supervising 4 PhD students, some of whom are part-time and industry-based and has supervised Senior Research Fellows and Research Fellows for the past 15 years. Dr. Richardson has over 150 publications in refereed journals and conferences, has published 11 book chapters and edited published books. Dr Richardson’s industry-based research has been with many indigenous Irish companies such as HomeSafe Care, Ocuco, and S3 and multi-national organisations (for example, IBM Dublin, Robert Bosch GmbH and Siemens Corporate Research. Her current collaborations include Vitalograph, Intel Shannon, and the Health Service Executive, specifically within Limerick Public Hospitals, where her team have developed H-QAP – a Hospital Quality Assurance Program.

Professor Tahar Kechadi
Professor M-Tahar Kechadi was awarded PhD and Master’s degree – in Computer Science from University of Lille 1, France. He was appointed as lecturer at the Computer Science Department of Lille University. Subsequently he worked as a post-doctoral researcher under TMR program at UCD. He joined UCD in 1999 as a permanent staff member of the School of Computer Science & Informatics (CSI). He is currently Professor of Computer Science at CSI, UCD. His research interests span the areas of Data Mining, distributed data mining healthcare Data Analytics, Grid and Cloud Computing, and digital forensics and cyber-crime investigations. Prof Kechadi has published over 265 research articles in refereed journals and conferences. He serves on the scientific committees for a number of international conferences and he organised and hosted some leading conferences in his area. He is Editor in Chief of Journal of Computer Science of Science Publications. He is also an associate editor of the Journal of Future Generation of Computer Systems and of IST Transactions of Applied Mathematics-Modelling and Simulation. He is regularly invited as a keynote speaker in international conferences or to give a seminar series in some Universities worldwide.
Prof M-Tahar Kechadi has been involved in international collaborations, in particular with researchers at the Universities of Tennessee, Purdue, Liverpool, Lille and Artois (France) and CERN. He is currently full member at CERN. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Artois – Bethune since 2002. Recently he has a strong collaboration with the most important Chinese Universities, such as Fudan University and Fuzhou University. Since joining UCD, Prof Kechadi has built up a research laboratory and currently he supervises 10 PhD students and 4 pot-doctoral fellows. He has supervised to completion 24 MSc by research and 16 PhD students.

Dr Dermot Power
Dr Dermot Power qualified as a doctor in 1991 and subsequently trained in Geriatric medicine both in Dublin and Oxford. He then returned to Dublin with an appointment to the Mater Misericordiae and St. Mary’s Hospitals. He then set about establishing a number of novel services for the elderly in North Dublin including the award winning Rapid Access Clinic, Clements and Synge Post-Acute Step-down Units. In addition in 2010, together with Dr. Austin O’Carroll (a north inner city general practitioner), he was instrumental in establishing a mobile clinic (based out of a specifically converted bus) for Dublin’s homeless. More recently he has developed a novel commercial electronic home monitoring service for older persons which has lately been contracted by the HSE to assist in early discharge of patients admitted to the acute hospital service. From an academic perspective, he established the UCD Intern Training programme in 2010. Over the last 3 years this new UCD-delivered training programme has been the most popular of the country’s 6 Intern training programmes and has consistently attracted the best and brightest medical graduates from Ireland and across Europe.

Dr Ronan McDonnell
Dr Ronan McDonnell is a Post-Doctoral Researcher (ICT) in the HRB Centre for Primary Care Research, based in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. He designs and develops the ICT aspects of ongoing clinical research projects for the Centre, such as Clinical Decision Support Systems and electronic Clinical Prediction Rules as applied to Primary Care. He is also the Director of Operations for the Irish Primary Care Research Network (IPCRN), a national network of GP practices whose purpose is to participate in clinical research for the benefit of their patients and to enhance the discipline of general practice through research training and activity. To date, over 300 practices in Ireland have used the IPCRN’s software to audit and manage their patient care and as part of research projects focusing on areas such as Medicines Reconciliation, Diabetes Care and Mental Health.
He completed a PhD in Health Informatics from Trinity College Dublin in 2011 and has worked both in and with academia and industry with companies such as Intel and Socrates Healthcare.

Mr Rodd Bond
Rodd Bond is an architect with a unique blend of experience in the development and application of technology applied to environments and processes that support people’s health and wellness. Rodd graduated with distinction from the school of architecture at Brookes College, Oxford in 1982, where his major study, focused on evaluation frameworks applied to the design of primary care facilities in the UK.
Recently, Rodd has pursued an action research agenda that has culminated in the formation of the Netwell Centre in DkIT, which he now directs. Based in the School of Health and Science the Netwell Centre hosts the Nestling Project – a collaborative initiative between the local authority, the HSE and DkIT. The Nestling Project is a demonstration project examining the fusion of social networks, environments and technologies that support ageing-in-place. Rodd has managed Dundalk’s participation in the WHO Age-Friendly Cities Project and is now managing Louth’s Age-Friendly County initiative.








〇新産業文化創出研究所 所長 廣常啓一

〇笹原 英司氏 特定非営利活動法人ヘルスケアクラウド研究会理事


〇アイルランド大使館 歓迎のあいさつ

〇デレク・フィッツジェラルド氏  アイルランド政府産業開発庁日本代表
「アイルランドの R&D環境の紹介」

〇ブライアン・コ―フィールド 教授/データアナリティックス・インサイトセンター所長/コネクテッド・ヘルス応用研究主任研究員

〇ロッド・ボンド氏  ネットウェル・センター所長/グレート・ノーザン・ヘイヴン・スマートホームリビング研究所

〇イタ・リチャードソン博士/LERO- アイルランド・ソフトウェア研究所およびコネクテッド・ヘルス応用研究主任研究員



懇親会  会場  ナレッジキャピタル Room C07 大阪市北区大深町3-1


Professor Brian Caulfield
Professor Brian Caulfield leads University College Dublin’s Connected Health Programme. He is the Lead Investigator in Ireland’s industry led Connected Health Technology Centre, ARCH (www.arch.ie) and is a Director of Ireland’s largest research centre, the INSIGHT centre for Data Analytics (www.insight-centre.org), where he leads the Connected Health research programme. A physiotherapist by training, Brian is also Dean of Physiotherapy at UCD. Brian is a champion for a Connected Health ecosystem in Ireland and has forged strong relationships with key clinicians, industry leaders, policy makers and research groups to drive advances in the field. Previously, he was a PI in the CLARITY Centre for Sensor Web Technologies (www.clarity-centre.org) and Director of the TRIL Centre (www.trilcentre.org), a research centre focused on technologies for independent living, which was funded by GE and Intel. As well as these companies, he has worked with a range of multinational and start-up companies such as BioMedical Research Ltd, Fujitsu Laboratories, and Shimmer to deliver innovative technology enabled solutions for areas such as rehabilitation medicine, COPD, and gerontology. His research has led to significant commercial opportunities in terms of exploitation of intellectual property by industry partners and spin out activity.

Dr Ita Richardson
Dr Ita Richardson is Principal Investigator within Lero – the Irish Software Research Centre, where she has responsibility research projects worth over €2million, and in ARCH, where she is the Principal Investigator on Work Package 2.1: Inform Standards of Care. In addition, she is Principal Investigator on a number of major projects where the focus of her research is on software process and assessment and the quality of use of software in a variety of domains, including hospitals and clinics, medical device and financial services. When she graduated with a B.Sc. in 1983, Dr Richardson joined Wang Laboratories, where she developed and maintained Information Systems. She returned to University to complete a M.Sc. in 1992, and graduated with a PhD from the University of Limerick in 1999. Dr Richardson has graduated 14 PhD students and 1 Habilitation student to completion, is currently supervising 4 PhD students, some of whom are part-time and industry-based and has supervised Senior Research Fellows and Research Fellows for the past 15 years. Dr. Richardson has over 150 publications in refereed journals and conferences, has published 11 book chapters and edited published books. Dr Richardson’s industry-based research has been with many indigenous Irish companies such as HomeSafe Care, Ocuco, and S3 and multi-national organisations (for example, IBM Dublin, Robert Bosch GmbH and Siemens Corporate Research. Her current collaborations include Vitalograph, Intel Shannon, and the Health Service Executive, specifically within Limerick Public Hospitals, where her team have developed H-QAP – a Hospital Quality Assurance Program.

Professor Tahar Kechadi
Professor M-Tahar Kechadi was awarded PhD and Master’s degree – in Computer Science from University of Lille 1, France. He was appointed as lecturer at the Computer Science Department of Lille University. Subsequently he worked as a post-doctoral researcher under TMR program at UCD. He joined UCD in 1999 as a permanent staff member of the School of Computer Science & Informatics (CSI). He is currently Professor of Computer Science at CSI, UCD. His research interests span the areas of Data Mining, distributed data mining healthcare Data Analytics, Grid and Cloud Computing, and digital forensics and cyber-crime investigations. Prof Kechadi has published over 265 research articles in refereed journals and conferences. He serves on the scientific committees for a number of international conferences and he organised and hosted some leading conferences in his area. He is Editor in Chief of Journal of Computer Science of Science Publications. He is also an associate editor of the Journal of Future Generation of Computer Systems and of IST Transactions of Applied Mathematics-Modelling and Simulation. He is regularly invited as a keynote speaker in international conferences or to give a seminar series in some Universities worldwide.
Prof M-Tahar Kechadi has been involved in international collaborations, in particular with researchers at the Universities of Tennessee, Purdue, Liverpool, Lille and Artois (France) and CERN. He is currently full member at CERN. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Artois – Bethune since 2002. Recently he has a strong collaboration with the most important Chinese Universities, such as Fudan University and Fuzhou University. Since joining UCD, Prof Kechadi has built up a research laboratory and currently he supervises 10 PhD students and 4 pot-doctoral fellows. He has supervised to completion 24 MSc by research and 16 PhD students.

Dr Dermot Power
Dr Dermot Power qualified as a doctor in 1991 and subsequently trained in Geriatric medicine both in Dublin and Oxford. He then returned to Dublin with an appointment to the Mater Misericordiae and St. Mary’s Hospitals. He then set about establishing a number of novel services for the elderly in North Dublin including the award winning Rapid Access Clinic, Clements and Synge Post-Acute Step-down Units. In addition in 2010, together with Dr. Austin O’Carroll (a north inner city general practitioner), he was instrumental in establishing a mobile clinic (based out of a specifically converted bus) for Dublin’s homeless. More recently he has developed a novel commercial electronic home monitoring service for older persons which has lately been contracted by the HSE to assist in early discharge of patients admitted to the acute hospital service. From an academic perspective, he established the UCD Intern Training programme in 2010. Over the last 3 years this new UCD-delivered training programme has been the most popular of the country’s 6 Intern training programmes and has consistently attracted the best and brightest medical graduates from Ireland and across Europe.

Dr Ronan McDonnell
Dr Ronan McDonnell is a Post-Doctoral Researcher (ICT) in the HRB Centre for Primary Care Research, based in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. He designs and develops the ICT aspects of ongoing clinical research projects for the Centre, such as Clinical Decision Support Systems and electronic Clinical Prediction Rules as applied to Primary Care. He is also the Director of Operations for the Irish Primary Care Research Network (IPCRN), a national network of GP practices whose purpose is to participate in clinical research for the benefit of their patients and to enhance the discipline of general practice through research training and activity. To date, over 300 practices in Ireland have used the IPCRN’s software to audit and manage their patient care and as part of research projects focusing on areas such as Medicines Reconciliation, Diabetes Care and Mental Health.
He completed a PhD in Health Informatics from Trinity College Dublin in 2011 and has worked both in and with academia and industry with companies such as Intel and Socrates Healthcare.

Mr Rodd Bond
Rodd Bond is an architect with a unique blend of experience in the development and application of technology applied to environments and processes that support people’s health and wellness. Rodd graduated with distinction from the school of architecture at Brookes College, Oxford in 1982, where his major study, focused on evaluation frameworks applied to the design of primary care facilities in the UK.
Recently, Rodd has pursued an action research agenda that has culminated in the formation of the Netwell Centre in DkIT, which he now directs. Based in the School of Health and Science the Netwell Centre hosts the Nestling Project – a collaborative initiative between the local authority, the HSE and DkIT. The Nestling Project is a demonstration project examining the fusion of social networks, environments and technologies that support ageing-in-place. Rodd has managed Dundalk’s participation in the WHO Age-Friendly Cities Project and is now managing Louth’s Age-Friendly County initiative.

開催日 2015/6/18((木)
開催時間 14:00 - 18:30
会場情報 グランフロント大阪ナレッジキャピタルタワーC 7F
住所 北区大深町3-1
参加費 ¥0
募集人数 0